Wednesday, June 19, 2019

How to Disable Kids Mode in Samsung Galaxy Tab

Tablet devices are the most popular for kids due to gaming experience. For example we can say, APPLE'S iPhone and SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab. Today we will discuss a feature of the Samsung Galaxy Tab, which is named Kids Mode.

Generally Kids Mode is a gaming application, that has been developed for kids. Through this, the kids can enjoy various types of games. Once the kids mode is activated, the PIN can be set to return from there. Unless the PIN is provided, the normal mode can not be returned. 

So it can be said that, if this PIN number is lost for any reason or the PIN does not work, then the device cannot be operated in the normal mode. To get rid of this problem, many of us perform factory reset on the device. That's why sometime many valuable data have to be lost. 

Today we will discuss here, how to return to normal mode from kids mode without losing any data. 

Just like how we can access the safe mode in the windows operating system, we can access the safe mode even through the Samsung galaxy tab. If access to this mode, no application will start automatically. For the convenience of which, we can uninstall the kids mode application from the application manager. As a result, the kids mode will no be active again during the normal startup. We can use our device in normal mode. 

Now we will know, how we can get access to safe mode.

At first we will turn off the device. Then we will hold down the "volume down" button  and press the "power button" simultaneously to power on the device. We will keep the "volume down" button pressed, until the device is  fully started. After the full start, we will see the "Safe Mode" logo on the bottom left on the screen. That means we have accessed the device via safe mode. Now we can go to the application manager and uninstall the kids mode application. 

Well, all our work is finished. Now restart the device again. Hope the device will no longer access the kids mode.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

How to View Saved Password in Windows

We know that the user ID and password are required to access any of the network resources. And this credential have to be permanently saved. Otherwise, you will have to re-enter your credentials once you restart your computer. That's why we save it permanently. Microsoft Windows saves this data in "Windows Credential Manger". 

But sometimes, due to various reasons we have to see the user id and password from this credential manager. But "Microsoft Windows" do not let us see any data from here. Microsoft windows keeps it encrypted. Just like the below:-

So we have to get help from third party software. Today we will discuss this with a software like this.

CredentailsFileView is a complete free software, that allows us to see the user id and password from the credential manager. If you provide only the administrator password or logon password after running the software, it will show all the data of the credential manager.

The full step is shown through the screenshot.

First of all download the software from the below link and run the CredentialsFileView.exe file. This is a portable version that's why there is no need to be installed anything.

After running the software you will get the following interface.

Now select the root folder from drop down menu and type your windows logon password or administrator password. And then press "ok".

Now you will get all the information what is stored into the credential manager. And the data is plain text mode.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Automatic Driver Download Software

There is a software with any type of computer hardware. This software is called "Driver" software. Unless this drive software is installed in the computer, the hardware will not work. Any computer has some common hardware. Such as, Lan Card, Graphics Card, Sound Card, USB Card. Each of these hardware has its own software, which we call the driver. Only those devices will be activated, if these divers are installed. Otherwise it will not work. 

Usually, every manufacturer gives their device or hardware with drive software. Or we can download them from their website. 

But in some cases, we do not get the driver with the device. Again we can not download it from the manufacturer's website. In that case, we have to search and download it from third party website which is often a lot of trouble. 

Today we will discuss about a software, that will remove this problem from us. This software has a much larger database. Where almost all the device's drivers are available. When this software is installed, it scans whole computer and provide a list of hardware that is connected to this computer. In this list, it also provide the download option for that device driver. So we can download any device driver very easily. 

The software that we talked about is called "3DP Chip". Step by step discussion on how to use this software is discussed below.

After starting the software we will get the following interface with hardware list.

If the multiple device is available then (+) sign will be shown in right side.

Just click on that (+) sign. It will open the new list.

For driver download just click on that device. Now it will open default browser with driver download option. If we want we can easily backup our installed driver with this software via the "Driver" Menu.

That's it. By using this, we can easily download any device's driver for any computer. Just we need to install this software.

We can download the software from the below link.

How to Remove File or Folder Permanently

Usually if a file or folder is deleted, it will be stored in the recycle bin. One advantage in this case is that, if we delete something in the wrong way, we can bring it back. If we want, we can delete that file completely from this recycle bin. 

Generally, we want to delete our personal or confidential documents very often. We know that when removing anything from the recycle bin, it is completely deleted. But, in this situation it is possible to recover the files again. There are many data recovery software, that can be used to recover deleted data. Because of which, if we want to delete a file or folder as unrecoverable, then we need to delete the data using a third party software. This software is named "Eraser". 

It can delete any document in such a way, that it can not be restored. This software adds itself to the context menu of "Windows Operating System". So that, we can easily delete any file or folder in the right button click. Below is a screenshot.

Just click the "Erase" option. Software will do the rest of the things.

You can download the file from the below link or you can search on google.