Sunday, April 24, 2011

Auto Lock The Account When Attempting The Wrong Password

Sometime anyone want to access our computer hiddenly, even though this is password protected. He/she try this input random password. If you want, you can block your account or computer, when input the random or wrong password to access the computer. You can block your account/computer for the specific time when anyone try to unauthorized access. When the specific time is expired, then the computer or account automatically unblock. You can set the invalid log on time. If you set the log on time 3 then the computer or account will be block, when anyone enter wrong password for the three time. You can set the account lockout duration. If you set the account lockout time in 60 second, then the computer will be lock for 60 second. If you want you can set the time, when the computer automatically lockout and by expired this time the account will unlock automatically. Within the lockout time, the account is not open, although you entered the right password. You must be wait that lockout time to expire. You can perform this the following way:-

First of all go to the "Control Panel" and then select "Administrative Tools" then select "Local Security Policy". After click the "Local Security Policy" the following interface is open

Then expand the "Account Policy" from the left panel.

then click the "Account lockout policy" and double click the "Account Lockout Threshold"

After double click the "Account Lockout Threshold" you appear the following interface

now enter the time of invalid log on attempt and then press "Apply" and then "Ok" Now set the account lockout duration. Double click the "Account lockout duration" and then enter the minute of account lockout duration. After double click the "Account lockout duration" then you will appear the following interface.

after entry the account lockout duration then select "Apply" and then "Ok". Then double click the "Reset account lockout counter after" and the time of reset account which mean's when the account or computer automatically unlock. You must be wait this time, if the computer go to the lockout position.


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