Tuesday, December 7, 2021

NSX Controller Booting Emergency Mode

NSX Controller is running on the VMware  Photon Operating System. The time when the Photon operating system is starting, it will check all the devices that are connected with it. If it found any devices that are inaccessible by the operating system, then it will directly boot into the emergency mode.

Also, it will display information about failed devices. Use "Shift+PageUp" and "Shift+PageDown" to scroll the console screen.

According to this snapshot, the operating system is failed to check the file system for the "/dev/sda4" device. That's why it was directly booted into the emergency mode. Due to failed file system checking process, it can't take access into the "/dev/sda4" device. It won't boot into the normal mode until it can take access the "/dev/sda4" device. To resolve this issue we have to run the file system checking process for that "/dev/sda4" device. Please execute the below command from the emergency mode:-

" e2fsck  -y  /dev/sda4 "

To enter the emergency mode, please provide your root password. Then apply that command and restart the appliance after completing the file system checking process. Hope, this time it will boot into the normal mode. To restart the appliance, please use the below command:-

reboot -f "

According to this snapshot, we found one failed issue only that interrupt our normal booting process. If you found multiple failed issues in your production environment, then you have to resolve every failed issue otherwise it won't boot into the normal mode. To find out the failed issues, please use the "Shit+PageUp" key combination to scroll the upper screen.

Thank you.

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